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Learn How to Drop Major Weight With Intermittent Fasting.
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Learn How to Drop Major Weight With Intermittent Fasting.
Intermittent Fasting: How

Doing intermittent fasting is so simple. Eat less frequently but eat well. Just very low carb when you do it.

Let me show you a few points and you’ve got everything you need to know to get started immediately to improve your health, memory, cognition—everything.

IF Explained
Intermittent fasting is simply eating less frequently—not about eating less food.
It’s not a diet, it’s a pattern of EATING and NOT eating.

All we’re doing is we’re mimicking how our ancestors used to eat.
They didn’t eat like cows. They didn’t graze all day.

They were lucky if they got one meal a day. Two was a luxury. They roamed for food—hunted, gathered.

They might even go a whole day without food.

So, our bodies respond very well to that –it’s what they’re evolved to do.
How a Typical Person Eats

Just look at the chart above.
 That’s breakfast there first.
 Then a snack
 Then lunch
 Then a snack
 Then snacks and snacks throughout the evening—popcorn, milk before bed, maybe something sweet if you can’t sleep and you’re insulin resistant (can’t sleep without sugar!!)

So the point is—since you spike insulin every single time you eat anything but WATER, you are spiking insulin all day. Even if those are small, low calorie meals then you cannot burn fat.

So you get this big belly and this is why. Insulin.
Insulin is one of the three fat storage hormones.

If we suppress it—you get fat burning.

How We Should Eat

What you need to do to lose weight and get healthy is to go from that grazing diet to one with no snacks and three meals a day to begin with. See those spikes on the second line that looks like an EKG there.

So three meals a day no snacks.
You want to eat like this:

Breakfast with fat added to satiate you for a long time

+ Wait for as long as you can then eat a good lunch with fat.
Then a dinner – if you need it.

As far as what to eat, that’s in the Keto Course that I’ve done.

Once you can do this easily—move to two meals a day, spaced out as much as you can.
You keep pushing breakfast forward—to ten, then eleven, then eventually you’re eating breakfast around lunch. I eat something like bacon, avocado, eggs, and cheese.

If you’re not hungry, just don’t eat.
Eventually, you move to this. Eventually, you’ll go for eight hours between lunch and dinner.
Then six hours. Then four hours.

Then you’re eating just two meals a day, spaced close together.
A four-hour window would be the sweet spot for benefits in a BIG WAY

What’s interesting is that if you eat the same calories chunked into two meals, you’ll get so much benefit—regardless of calories—you will never want to go back to grazing.

Eating two meals a day close together, preferably in a four-hour window leaves you in fat burning 20 hours a day. You’ll burn major fat and you’ll lean down and feel great.

Now let’s talk about dos and don’ts with Intermittent Fasting.
Take the Mini-Course!
Learn How to Drop Major Weight With Intermittent Fasting.
Intermittent Fasting: Dos and Don’ts

1. Don’t go too fast

You’ll crash and burn. Why? Your body has to adapt to a certain pace. If you go too fast, you’re going to end up with some funky symptoms you don’t want. Dizzy. Extra cold. Headaches.

2. Don’t omit fat

If you do this with low fat. Let’s say you do a lot of protein and lean fats, you’re not going to have enough to sustain yourself to feel satisfied to go from one meal to the next. The more fat you add at your first meal—the longer you’ll be able to go.

It’s the real key to success on this diet. Watch all the success stories—you’ll see this.

3. Don’t do high carbs.

Every time you eat carbs, especially too many carbs, you’ll spike insulin and you’ll get headaches, and you want feel good.

You want to do keto with IF:
 3 to 6 ounces of protein
 A lot of vegetables
 The rest fat

We want to keep any of the carbs really, really low like 20 grams or less. Realize the more someone has hypoglycemia the more gradual they need to do this.

Now, some people that don’t have a blood sugar issue can adapt in a few days.
They don’t have to go through keto adaptation---that transition from sugar burning to fat burning.
When you go from sugar to fat-burning you’re kind of converting from dirty diesel fuel to electric fuel—cleaner fuel.

That process of building up all these fat-digesting enzymes and new cellular machines takes some time.

Once it kicks in though—you will feel AMAZING and you’ll never want to look back. It’s so good for the mind and body. Your cognition will spike, you’ll feel more creative and energetic, you’ll be dropping water weight and fat like crazy.

To make this transition smoother—I highly recommend you plug in
Electrolytes: Especially potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium.

The B vitamins: Specifically, B1, B3, and B5
I would recommend nutritional yeast as your source as this is the natural source of B vitamins and that way if you get it non-fortified it won’t be synthetic.

Synthetic vitamins are okay if you’re doing a detox program but not when you’re doing intermittent fasting.

I have a Keto Kit I’ve prepared for you.

You can check it out below. It has electrolytes, nutritional yeast, it has raw wheat grass juice powder, it’s all organic. It also has my book and also the guide books. In short – it has everything you need to do IF and keto without side effects and to build up all the cellular machinery you need to start burning fat.

If you really want to do this correctly the Keto Kit is the way to go.

In summary,
 To target your belly fat
 To improve your energy
 To improve your memory
 Improve your Mood
 Get into autophagy
 To spike anti-aging and growth hormone (major fat burning hormone)
 Stimulate anti-aging process
The next step is just to get started.
Take the Mini-Course!
Learn the Basics of the Adrenal Body Type
I put together a kit that covers all the tools you need to fix the adrenal body type, feel great and lose weight again. Here are some of the things you need that are in that kit:

1. Sleep Aid

The adrenal body type needs restful sleep. My sleep aid helps you get deep, restful sleep all night. You take it 15 minutes before you go to sleep. You’ll go right to sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. It doesn’t contain hormones like melatonin or valerian root, that makes you feel foggy. Instead, it focuses on relaxing you internally with compounds you need. I’ve adapted it over years and now the formula is exact. I’m never going to change it.

2. Adrenal and Cortisol Relief

This is a wonderful supplement you take during the day. This helps you turn off that feeling of internal stress and tension and to stabilize cortisol and the adrenals. This really relaxes you. Helps you have that calm, serene focus that you need to get a lot done.

3. Trace minerals

I use plant based trace minerals. They’re 15,000 times smaller than regular minerals and are highly and easily absorbed. Without trace minerals, you’ll have a lot of problems with proteins not being converted, with manufacturing collagen, and with enzymes you need for bodily function.

This helps with energy, metabolism, muscle, collagen, hair, skin, nails, energy, bones and ligaments.

4. Gall Bladder Formula

The gall bladder is a missing link to all kinds of health problem—bloating, indigestion.

So many people think they have a problem with the stomach or digestion. Really, it’s the gall bladder. You need more bile to absorb nutrients and digest foods.

This is very popular and effective for bloating.

The Gall Bladder Formula comes with my book called The New Body Type Guide and you’ll focus on the adrenal chapter after you do the basic plan.

This has everything you need to know about the Adrenal Body Type.

Then, this book right here is titled It’s Not Lose Weight to Get Healthy, It’s Get Healthy to Lose Weight.

It’s a powerful supplement to this book and helps you put the plan into action.

I cannot wait to hear your success story.
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